Wrap up Election Season with a Friend & Kindred Minds
It's been a long, hard election season and so much is at stake. This Sunday, with just two days before election day, let's relax, recharge & hear a reassuring update from Oregon's new Senate Majority Leader, Rob Wagner.
Senator Rob Wagner is a champion for wildlife (and all animals really) who shares our passions and who will be a key ally in the Oregon Legislature this coming session. We'll talk about these issues and others, while spending a little time with like-hearted voters and advocates, restoring our tired souls after a long and exceptional season. We are co-hosting this even with our friends from the Humane Society Legislative Fund and the Oregon Wild Conservation Leaders Fund.
Sunday, November 1st from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Pacific Daylight Savings Time
RSVP & Contribute HERE.
Senator Rob Wagner will also provide an update on the key races in the Oregon Senate, as one of his principle roles has been working to ensure leaders who come to Salem champion the causes we all hold so dear. So, please join our collective organizations along with Carol Butler and Rene Tatro (constituents) as we unwind in the final stretch before election day.
All contributions support Rob Wagner for State Senate: You decide your comfort level, at any level. Just JOIN US!