The Oregon Legislature is on the cusp of taking action to help promote adoption of shelter dogs and cats.
House Concurrent Resolution 8 would make "rescued shelter dogs and cats" the "official pet of the State of Oregon." On Thursday, the resolution cleared the Senate Committee on Rules after passing overwhelmingly in the House of Representatives. Now it just needs to pass the full Senate. This is truly cause for celebration after years of prior attempts to pass a similar resolution recognizing shelter dogs and cats and those who work with them and adopt them.
Show your support for this idea as it now nears its final hurdle. Call or email your state Senator and encourage your Senator to speak and vote in favor of the resolution when it reaches the floor of the Senate for a vote. That hasn't been scheduled yet but could happen any day, so get your comments in as soon as possible. To find out who your state Senator is and get contact information, go here. (For status updates, go here and click on "Scheduled Events" and "Measure History.")
It's best to share your personal perspective in your own words, but among the points you could make are:
HCR 8 would help promote adoption of dogs and cats from animal shelters, which would help more homeless dogs and cats find homes.
HCR 8 would help reduce costs to taxpayers by reducing the number of dogs and cats in government-run animal shelters.
HCR 8 would honor the hard-working staff and volunteers at Oregon's numerous animal shelters, along with all the compassionate Oregonians who choose to give shelter dogs and cats another chance by adopting them.
HCR 8 would honor traits in shelter dogs and cats that many Oregonians share, including resilience, endurance, diversity, strength and hope.
HCR 8 would follow the good examples of several other states, including Colorado, Tennessee, California, Illinois and Georgia.
Please also say "thank you" to Representative David Gomberg (Central Coast) and Senator Janeen Sollman (Hillsboro) for being the Chief Sponsors of this resolution and for their persistence in promoting this idea over the years.
Thank you for helping us advocate for animals!