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Help Keep the Factory Farm Moratorium Bill Strong!

The original Factory Farm Moratorium Bill (Senate Bill 85) is at risk of being severely weakened due to a newly proposed amendment. SB 85 with the proposed -1 amendments would prohibit all new and expanding factory farms in Oregon. However, Senator Golden, Chair of the Natural Resources Committee, is planning to introduce an amendment to the bill that would limit the moratorium to only large-scale poultry operations. This proposed amendment is available to view here.

If SB 85 passes with the proposed amendment, it would fail to address the myriad environmental, public health, animal welfare, and other negative effects that Oregon faces from other types of factory farms, such as mega-dairies and feed lots for cows.

SB 85 has been scheduled for a public hearing and possible work session on Wednesday, March 22nd, at 8am at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem. Please consider showing your support for the original bill with the -1 amendments by voicing your concerns at the public hearing. To register to testify in person or virtually on Wednesday, click here. If you would like submit written testimony instead, click here.

Please also let your state senator know that you support a moratorium on all factory animal farms in Oregon, not just those for poultry. To find out who your senator is and get contact information, go here.


Humane Voters Oregon

5331 SW Macadam Ave. | Suite 258 (PMB 624) | Portland, OR 97239 | 503-946-1534

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