Unfortunately, the Oregon Legislature is again entertaining bills that would undermine a voter-approved ban on hunting mountain lions (cougars) with packs of dogs.
Senate Bill 769 would let individual counties resume this cruel practice (having dogs chase a cougar until it climbs a tree or is cornered and then shot by the "hunter") if voters in just that county vote to allow it. Please join us in opposing this bill by submitting written comments to the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Wildfire, which will consider the bill when it meets at 1 p.m. Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at the Oregon State Capitol (Hearing Room D).
Click here for detailed information about the bill. Once there, click the arrow next to "Measure History" and click "Submit Testimony" to submit your written comments through an online form. Written testimony will be accepted for 48 hours after the committee meeting starts, but it's best to get your testimony in before the meeting.
Your written testimony does not need to be long or detailed. A few sentences will do. It's enough just say you oppose SB 769 because hunting cougars with dogs is cruel no matter where it occurs. You can also point out that Oregon voters banned this practice statewide in 1994 when they approved Ballot Measure 18. In addition, scientific research shows that hunting cougars with dogs will not make people, pets or farm animals safer or increase populations of other animals such as deer and elk.
Please also consider testifying in person or by video to the Senate Committee when it meets Tuesday. To do that, click "Register to Testify" under "Measure History" at this link.
Please also check the committee roster to see if your state senator is on the committee. (Go here and enter your address to see who your senator is and to get your senator's email address.) If so, send your senator an email and encourage your senator to oppose SB 769. Be sure to say you are a "constituent," meaning you live in their district. Most legislators pay the most attention to their own constituents.
Thank you for helping us advocate for animals!