Humane Voters Oregon has released its 2024 legislative scorecards. Our scorecards show how Oregon legislators (state representatives and senators) voted on animal related issues in the 2024 legislative session. We also scored legislators on whether they sponsored good bills or bad bills, and on whether they made any extra efforts that helped or harmed animal interests, such as leading advocacy efforts either behind the scenes or in committee meetings or sessions of the full House or Senate.
Every Oregonian has one state representative and one state senator. In total, Oregon has 60 representatives and 30 senators. Representatives and senators meet in Salem each year to make state laws. If you do not know who your representative and senator are, click here and enter your address to find out.
Oregon legislators voted on three animal related bills in their 35-day "short session" this year (longer sessions take place in odd-numbered years):
House Bill (HB) 4043 prohibits interfering with animal cruelty investigations, clarifies crimes of animal abuse and neglect, and increases potential penalties for animal abuse and neglect.
HB 4132 requires state agencies to develop an adaptive management and social monitoring program to support Oregon's marine reserves, which provide refuge for coastal fish and wildlife.
HB 4145 prohibits the creation, distribution and possession of visual recordings of aggravated animal abuse.
We supported all of these these bills. All of them passed and received a vote from the full House of Representatives and Senate for us to score.
See how legislators voted here. For a full report on the 2024 legislative session, including proposals affecting animals that did not pass, go here.
Help us make animal welfare important to legislators by telling your legislators how you feel about their Humane Voters Oregon legislative score. Compliment them on a good score or let them know you are disappointed if they have a bad score. Enter your address here to find out who your legislators are and to get their contact information.
Thank you for helping us advocate for animals!