The bill to make "rescued shelter dogs" the state dog of Oregon is still alive but needs your help. The bill, House Concurrent Resolution 16, is stuck in the House Rules Committee, but the chair of the committee, Representative Jennifer Williamson, tells us she will bring it up for a vote if she knows it has enough votes to pass in the full House of Representatives.
Here is what you can do to help get this bill passed:
Call your state representative's office (even if you called or emailed already), tell them you support HCR 16, and ask if your representative will vote for it if it comes up for a vote in the House of Representatives. (You can find out who your representative is, and get his or her contact information, here.)
Let us know what you find out by emailing us here.
Among the points you can make in supporting the bill are:
It would help find homes for homeless dogs by promoting pet adoption.
It could reduce costs at government-run animal shelters by reducing the number of dogs they need to take care of.
It would follow the good example of at least three other states, including Georgia (the“adoptable dog”), California (“shelter pet”), and Colorado ("“dogs and cats that are adopted from Colorado animal shelters and rescues”).
Thank you for helping us advocate for animal welfare!