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Endorsement Process
Humane Voters Oregon makes endorsements in state and local elections in Oregon. We endorse candidates who we believe will support policies that promote animal welfare and oppose policies that will harm animal welfare. We also take positions on Oregon ballot measures that we believe will impact animal welfare.
Any candidate running for any state or local office may request our endorsement by completing our short candidate questionnaire. To access our questionnaire, please click the appropriate link below:
Canidate Questionnaire for Local Offices (City Council, County Commission, etc.)
Candidate Questionnaire for Legislative Offices
Candidate Questionnaire for Statewide Offices (Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer)
To be considered for endorsement for the May 2024 primary election, please complete our questionnaire no later than April 12, 2024. We expect to make our primary endorsement decisions no later than April 21, 2024, and will communicate and publish them shortly thereafter.
After we review your responses to our questionnaire, we may ask to follow up by phone or in person. In deciding whether to endorse your candidacy, we will consider your responses to our questionnaire and any record you have on animal welfare issues. We will also consider other factors, including other candidates in the race, and the likelihood you will be elected. You do not need to agree with us on every issue to receive our endorsement. Questionnaire responses and endorsement interviews will be kept confidential unless you specifically authorize release.
To request an endorsement for or against a ballot measure, please email us at with whatever information and/or materials you would like us to consider.
If we endorse your candidacy or a position on a ballot measure, we may also be able to provide volunteer assistance, and our Political Action Committee (Humane Voters Oregon PAC) may support your campaign financially. Our decisions in that regard will take into account factors including the degree of your support for animal welfare, the likelihood you will be elected, and your need for financial support.
For additional information, please email us at Thank you for your interest in our endorsement and support!
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